Happy Birthday America


Give me your tired, your pitiful, 
Your huddled masses, yearning to breathe costless, 
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, 
Send these, the homeless, tempest tost to me,
I elevator my light beside the gilded door.

Most of our ancestors saw this shining instance of liberty every bit they sailed into New York harbor.  Others came a unlike road simply unless yous're a Native American, your ancestors came from elsewhere to this melting pot we call America.

 Old Glory long may she wave - even though she gets a lilliputian bruised together with battered from time to fourth dimension, I'one thousand proud of her and what she represents. No thing any wrinkles that happen, they will eventually live overcome and I will stand up tall inward the pride of our heritage.  After all, nosotros are, according to Francis Scott Key, the Land of the Free in addition to Home of the Brave.  

Happy quaternary every one hither in the United States of America.  Watch those fingers too toes every bit y'all're lighting those fireworks.

See you afterward for more than Aimless Ramblings.

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